Joplin Staff

Meet the friendly team at Easy Living in Joplin! Our staff is here for you and your loved ones, every day!
Chad Williams
Executive Director
Carl Wilson
Director of Services
Katie Phares
Quality Assurance Director
Miranda Martin
Client Funds Manager
Christina Hamilton
Office Manager
Jean Conroy
Jean Conroy
Community RN
Kacey Dragoo
Community RN
Mikalee Hymer
Community RN
Brooke Walker
Compliance Coordinator
Season Ferrell
Documentation CoordinatoR
Chrishawna Niemeier
Training Coordinator
Morgan Mabrey
Activity Coordinator
Torey Atkins
Professional Manager
Lindsey Bradley
Professional Manager
Mike Davis
Professional Manager
Darrin Day
Professional Manager
Natasha Mooney
Tyler Hood
Professional Manager
Megan Jackson
Professional Manager
Natasha Mooney
Natasha Mooney
Rachel Villamaria
Rachel Moore
Professional Manager
Danica Morgan
Danica Morgan
Professional Manager
Audra Reeves
Professional Manager
Jessica Ryan
Jessica Ryan
Professional Manager
Raelynn Willis
Professional Manager
Racheal Wininger
Racheal Wininger
Professional Manager
Sarah Allen
On-Call Professional Manager
Chelsey O'Dell
On-Call Professional Manager
Tom Morris
Tom Morris
Maintenance Technician


Learn about all the services available from Easy Living. If you have any questions, please get in touch!


A picture is worth a thousand words, so check out the fun and friendly folks at Easy Living!


Keep up with all of the latest news, resources, and updates from the team at Easy Living.

Employee Services

Access for employees to Genesis Workforce Management System.

Choose Easy Living for Your Loved One​

Choose more than a home for your loved one — choose a community where they can live their best possible life. Choose Easy Living. Contact our friendly staff today for more information. We look forward to meeting you!